Donnerstag, 13. Juni 2024

EXIT WHO RALLY | Report about activists and the Gates Foundation session room in Geneva | 1 June 24

This report in three languages is about the international rally on the Place des Nations, the parade trough the city of Geneva, the Pâquis des Bains, the entrances of the Headquarter of WHO and the World Health Assembly and last but not least from the Gates Foundation session room in the Hotel Intercontinentale.

I hope you enjoy the 20 minutes and get some insights about the motivations of the activists and the Swiss city Geneva, which hosts the UN, WHO, WEF, GAVI and CEPI.

Der Fokus der Reportage liegt auf den Ausführungen der WHO-Whistleblowerin Dr. Astrid Stückelberger sowie auf dem Referat des Organisators des WHO-Symposiums Urs Hans.

Anbei der Link zum Bericht über das WHO-Symposium:

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